Friday, July 29, 2011

9 days...

I went in to talk to the Anthro department chair this morning about getting some credits pre-approved for my study abroad courses. He told me to be careful not to get surrounded, attacked, and robbed by the children that run the streets in the slums of Lima. 
Good to know.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

10 Days to Go

This is where I have to start asking the tough questions.

Which will make my housemates question my sanity the least, my lamb slippers or my bright red Dutch clog slippers?
How am I going to eat 2 large cucumbers, 3 zucchini, and a bag full of beets in the next 10 days? And also drink practically a whole box of coffee?
If I've never used bacitracin in my 22 years of living, is there still a chance I might regret not having packed it once I get to Peru?

Update: I just got a facebook message from my "host mom" in Peru. She seems really nice and told me to tell my parents not to worry because I'll be very well taken care of :)

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Hola Amigos!

3 weeks from today, I will be on a plane to Lima.

I decided, in an effort to keep in touch with everyone, I would just start a blog, so if you want to know what's going on with me over there, then you can check in on here and drop me a comment. I'll try to write on a regular basis and post pics and stuff.

I just received info about my host family and the other students who will be studying through ISA (the study abroad organization) a couple of days ago. Here's what I found out:

Family Name:
Angeles de Blanco
Head of Household:
Ricardo Tizón y Bueno 787
Jesús María
11 Lima, Peru
Is internet access available?
Number of smokers in household?
Does family smoke inside?
Can students smoke inside?
Vegetarians welcome?
Gender Preference:
Number of students the home can board:
Does family typically house other U.S. (non-ISA) students?
Does family typically house other non-U.S. students?:
Description of House:
The house is located in a peaceful neighborhood where there is permanent neighborhood watch, as well as supermarkets close by. The house has 7 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, a kitchen, dining room and living room, and a small garden patio.
Description of Host Family:
After 5 years of hosting international students, Rosa is prepared to welcome any and all students, including those who are vegetarian or lactose intolerant. It is a very open environment that allows students to invite friends from school over to the house, as well as come and go as they please. ISA students will share the house with other international students. However, each student will have their own bedroom, which has a private bathroom.
Is family currently active?
Number of single rooms:
Jesús Maria
This family has been hosting foreign students since:
Can student have visitors in the home?
Can student leave luggage with family while traveling?
Can student receive phone calls?
Can student make local phone calls?
With calling card only
Can student make international phone calls?
With calling card only
Is there hot water all day?
Can student take more than one shower/day?
Can student use kitchen?
Number of Dogs:
Number of cats:
Number of other pets:
Are laundry facilities provided?
Are laundry services provided?
Are towels and linens provided?
How many meals are provided per day?
Is a cleaning service provided?
Facility phone number:
(511) 981140792
Facility email:
Distance To University:
Universidad del Pacifico: Walking (2-5 min) Metro (0 min) Pontifical Catholic University of Peru: Walking (35 min) Bus (20 min) University of San Ignacio de Loyola-Lima: Bus (50 min)

I'll be living in a pension, which is kind of like a boarding house. There's one other girl from ISA that will be living in the same house. She's from the University of Idaho. I'll be going to school at the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, so at least I'll get my exercise walking to school everyday. I'm not sure yet what classes I'll be taking, because we register when we get there. But hopefully some linguistics and anthropology classes.

I'm also participating in a volunteer program through the same organization.  Here's the info I've received about that so far:

Program type:  Education 
Organization name: Colegio Juan Pablo Vizcardo y Guzman (Elementary School) 
Suggested Duties: Most volunteers will help out in English classes, either as the main instructor 
or as an English assistant to children and adolescents.  Volunteers can help facilitate arts and 
crafts activities as well as physical education classes.  We recommend bringing supplies for the 
students, such as crayons, markers, etc, as the school does not have resources to provide such 
items.  Volunteers can help organize after-school activities and fieldtrips for the children, be a 
mentor to the children, help them with their homework, etc.  
Tentative hours/schedule: Typically volunteers can work as much or as little as they would like.  
Participants can chose fewer hours if they are not seeking credit; however, ELAP participants 
generally volunteer at least 10 hours Monday – Friday mornings and afternoons.  There are 
definitely opportunities to volunteer more during the week, and you will work with the 
supervisor and on-site ELAP Coordinator upon arrival to determine your preferred workload and 
Also, be aware that you will have to take public transportation everywhere, at least 40 minutes 
for each ride, or you might walk if the organization is close.  Bring something along to keep 
yourself busy during the long rides

I'll also be doing research for my honors thesis while I'm there. So it's going to be a busy semester, but it should be a lot of fun!