Saturday, October 8, 2011

Feliz Cumpe, Mama!

Thursday night we went to Hensley's again. That's the punk bar in La Molina. It was a pretty fun night. The owner was drunk when we got there and ended up passing out on the couch, and as the night went on it basically ended up just being us and all our friends. I went with Raquel, Nichole, and Hannah. Jimmy, Dawn, Susanna, and Jose met us there, and a little while later the basketball players came. We ended up staying til 4 or 5ish. 
Which means I stayed in my bed yesterday until 12:30ish. We went down for some lunch in our pjs, then laid around til 3:30, when we finally started getting ready for the ISA "Latin Music" activity that started at 4. We showed up 20 minutes late, but what do you know, in Peru that's early and nothing had even started yet. The teacher showed up almost an hour late because his car broke down or something. He was hilarious though, and it ended up being really fun. 
Peru played Paraguay yesterday and won 2-0. I was gonna watch the game, but plans kept getting changed, and finally I ended up going to the movies with Hannah and Nichole to see Crazy, Stupid, Love. It was depressing at times, funny at other times, and overall a good movie that I would recommend. 

Today is our host mom's 36th birthday. In anticipation for the large amounts of cake that were sure to be involved, I went for a jog and then did some hip hop abs with Raquel. 
The whole family went out for lunch at a seafood restaurant. We ordered some ceviche (famous peruvian dish: fish, shellfish, and squid "cooked" by soaking it in lemon juice with onions) and tiraditos (same thing minus the onions and with cream-based sauces) for appetizers. It was sooo delicious. Then we got our plates. I had grilled tuna and vegetables, which was delicious. Raquel had another typical Peruvian dish, tacu tacu (a sort of mashed beans and rice) with lomo saltado (steak tossed with onions, peppers, and potatoes). 

Then we went shopping in the Jesus Maria shopping center with our mom and her sister and niece. I got a cute watch and a shirt. 
Now we're back at home and just finished making mom a card. We got her a mani-pedi at the salon down the street and are going to take her out for cake and coffee sometime this week. 

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