Thursday, December 8, 2011

The beginning of the goodbyes

Today, Raquel and I got up and met up with Carlin and Hannah to go to Polvos Azules and get some DVDs and CDs before heading back to the U.S. 
Afterwards, we wanted to go to Punta Hermosa, a nice beach, but it was a holiday (Immaculate Conception I think) so it was really expensive to get down there, so we thought about going to La Punta de Callao, but by the time we took the bus to the main bus stop at Plaza San Miguel, it was cloudy and windy and cold, so instead we got some gelato in the plaza and headed home. Then we met at Kristen and Carlin's to watch a movie. We watched The King's Speech, then met up with Mary to go to her farewell party. Her host brother blindfolded her, then took us in a taxi to an apartment in Magdelena. It turned out to be a double going-away surprise party for Mary and her American exchange student neighbor at his boyfriend's house. It was really fun, and we hung out there until about midnight. Alot of people headed to Help, but I decided, since it's my last day at the elementary school tomorrow, I don't want to be tired and hungover, so I headed home. 

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