Sunday, September 4, 2011

Lazy Sunday

We decided to skip the party last night, considering I was tired and disgusting and didn't want to shower, and Raquel felt the same way. I would like to note that she was less disgusting than I was, though. 
I slept in this morning. Even after putting some baby powder in my hair, I almost felt to greasy to even show my face downstairs for breakfast. Almost. 
After we ate, I put my hat on and walked to the ATM with Raquel. It's our strategy to bundle up and walk around before showering, so that you raise your body temperature enough so that showering doesn't feel as cold. I had a quite pleasant shower and feel nice and clean again. 
After that we got in a taxi and went to Parque Kennedy for some more street vendor turkey sandwiches and Pinkberry. Then off to Polvos Azules. I decided that a pair of slippers was in fact a necessary purchase, so now I have some nice fuzzy booties. I also got a knockoff Coach bag that's small and over the shoulder so I can wear it under my coat and don't have to worry about it getting stolen. 
Then it was back to the house, and back in my pajama pants and alpaca sweater. This time with my new slippers. 
However, the sun did come out today for a little while for the second day in a row! I can feel spring coming on! (knock on wood)
I'm currently on a homework break. I have 82 more pages of Basic Linguistic Theory to read before Wednesday. Luckily it's in English, because it's hard enough as it is. (I've read 6 pgs so far and I already have a headache)

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