Wednesday, September 28, 2011

A week off school? Gracias!

Good News! 
I got my paper done. It was shit, but at least it was 4 pages of it. (double spaced of course, and in Cambria font, which adds about 1/2 a page to essays without looking much different from Times). 
Yesterday I had another paper due, but it was much shorter. I also had all of yesterday afternoon off, which I should've spent studying for my Quechua midterm today, but I did no such thing. 
First I baked cookies. I found a recipe for hershey's kisses cookies on the internet, where you put the kisses in the middle and put a ball of dough around them. I didn't feel like walking all the way to the real grocery store, so I just went around the bodega's until I found a big box of Nestle Princesas. They're little chocolate squares with peanut butter in the middle. 
I'll explain the bodega situation of Lima a little bit. They're everywhere. If you stand on any corner in Lima and turn 360 degrees, you'll probably see at least 3 bodegas. They usually have a yellow sign that says D'Onofrio (a brand of ice cream bars) or Inka Cola (Peruvian pop) or a red sign that says Claro (a brand of cell phone, meaning you can buy minutes for your Claro there). They sell drinks, snacks, and some basic grocery items. Some have fruit. Some are bakeries as well. There's also a lot of portable stands set up in the street. Some sell magazines and newspapers, some sell toilet paper, some sell drinks like emoliente, maca, or chicha morada, some sell food like picarones (fried dough with a sweet syrup) or sandwiches. So basically, wherever you are, if you're hungry or thirsty you don't have to look far. Which is really nice, and they're cheap too. So a bottle of water only costs a sol or S./ 1.50 (which is about 50 cents). 

So I got all my ingredients and made some cookies. 
Then, it turns out it was Olga and Juan Luis's tutor's birthday, and since he's in the university now and away from his family, they bought a cake for him, and we celebrated at the house a little. 
With my blood sugar at dangerously high levels, I tried to study a little bit for Quechua. Which consisted of me sitting in my room counting to myself. I think it took me about 5 minutes to go from 1 to 20. 
At 10, Dawn, Jorge, and Zach came over for movie night. We ordered some pizza, Raquel opened her pisco wine, and Jorge brought a bottle of wine. All 3 dozen of my cookies were already gone by the time Zach showed up. I guess that means the family liked them!
We watched "La Fiesta del Chivo." Zach had to watch it for one of his classes. It was about Trujillo in the Dominican Republic. So it was pretty intense. 
After that we needed something a little lighter, so we watched the new episode of Two and a Half Men with Ashton Kutcher in it. It reminded me of being home for the holidays with dad. :)

Today I stayed in school in between the breaks in my classes so that I could study for Quechua with my friend Carly. We got some lunch in the dining hall then went outside on the grass because it was sunny and gorgeous. I studied for a little bit, but it was just too tempting to take an afternoon nap in the sun, so I did that for a little bit, too. 
The midterm didn't go great. The problem is, they didn't really tell us what was going to be on it. And we have a lot of random info on our notes and worksheets, so it was a little hard to know exactly what to study. For example, chicken. That was on the test. I don't remember ever learning how to say chicken in Quechua nor do I know why it would be more important than a word like water. Which I did study, and which wasn't on the test. We also had to do some sentences and translate some things, that I'm pretty sure I messed up. Good news is, I think there were quite a few people who studied even less than me, so maybe he'll go easy on the grading, since it's like 20% of our course grade. 

But, that was my last class this week and next week is "Midterms Week" which apparently means the teachers aren't allowed to have classes. All I have is one midterm next week in Linguistics, on Wednesday and have the rest of the week off. So I'm trying to find someone else who has free time too, so I can do my volunteer Mon and Tues and have a 4 day travel weekend somewhere. Crossing my fingers!

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