Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Mid-Semester Crisis

I arrived in Lima on August 7th. Today is October 11th. I will be leaving Lima in exactly 2 months. Which means I've already passed the halfway point.
On the one hand, I feel like I just got here. There's still so much of Lima (and Peru) that I haven't seen and so much I haven't done! I still need to hit up about 5 museums, 10 new bars and discos, go surfing, lay on the beach, do a couple day trips outside the city, the list goes on and on...
On the other hand, I've definitely been Peruvianized. My first weeks back in America, I'll probably end up throwing my toilet paper in the trash can out of habit, or trying to kiss my friends on the cheek when I see them. Riding the tranquil, spacious UNL bus in the light law-abiding Lincoln traffic is going to seem so boring! It will take me a while to get used to the fact that I don't have to worry about getting mugged walking around downtown. Not to mention the fact that I will have to do my own laundry and make my own food again, and eat at a regular American time instead of lunch at 2:00 or 3:00 and supper at 8:00 or 9:00. I'll definitely miss having my sista from another mista, Raquel only a hallway away. Oh yeah, and Lima will just be settling into summer when I head back to another one of those fun Nebraska winters. 
But I can't change it now, so I guess I'll have to make the most of this last 2 months. 

Saturday cont'd:
Mom's friends from college showed up and surprised her, so we had some cake and chilcano's (pisco, lime and ginger ale) with them. Then Raquel and I went to Aura until an ungodly hour. 

Sunday: I slept until about 12:30, then I hung out, ate some lunch, did homework, and then took a nap. Not very productive. 

Monday: I stayed on campus for lunch after class. The dining hall's are nice, because I got a plate of food, a roll and a drink for S./ 3.60, or about $1.25. I was sitting at a table by the grass, and got about halfway through my food before one of the deer joined me and decided to eat the rest. He was one of the ones with antlers, so I just let him have it and moved to the other side of the table while he devoured my rice and soy meat. Then one of the ladies that cleans the table came up and shooed him off and grabbed my plate. Oops. I guess you're not supposed to feed them, but I wasn't about to get in a fight with a deer. 
The reason I stayed on campus is because at 2:30 we were supposed to have a meeting with some professors from the U.S. so we could talk about the program and they could decide whether to recommend it to their students at home. When I got to the office Joel said he was trying to call me (on my old cell number) to tell me it was moved to 3:30. So I just hung out there until 3:30, when we walked over to where we were supposed to meet. Seeing as how we're in Peru, of course no one was there yet. So Carlin, Kristen, Ashley and I played a couple rounds of Sporcle, and people started trickling in a few minutes before 4:00. I had to be at class at 4:15 so I answered a few questions then jetted. 

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