Sunday, October 2, 2011

Que suerte!

Last night, Hannah and I walked over to the military base to meet the basketball players that we were going out with. They play for the military's team. 
We took a couple taxis to Soprano's, the karaoke bar. In the taxi that we were in, we found a little wallet when we were getting out. It was actually more like one of those plastic things that flips open and you put your ID in it. The driver said that it belonged to the passenger that was just in there. We kept it and when we looked at it, it had a few receipts and a bunch of bills. S/. 300 in all, a little over $100. There was a debit card inside, too, but in Peru debit cards don't have names on them, so Hannah kept it so she could cut it up, and we kept the money since there was no way to get it back to her. 
So we got a night out on the town for free. We left Soprano's after a little while, because it was taking forever for them to call our songs, and we took taxis to Larcomar, to a club called Aura. Hannah and I looked a little out of place in the throng of girls in short, tight dresses and 6 inch heels, but I'd rather not dress like a hooker anyways. We danced there for a while and then Hannah and I took a cab home. It was a pretty fun night!
Today I've just been hanging out and finding excuses to not start studying for my midterm on Wednesday. 

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