Thursday, October 6, 2011

New month, new phone, new camera!

Yesterday was another cookie baking day. We were having movie night again, so I was prepared this time and made a batch of bars and a batch of cookies. Enough for the fam AND the friends. However, I burnt the edges on my bars, and all my cookies stuck to the pan. But it was all salvageable, if not pretty.
We went over to Jorge's apartment a couple blocks away for movie night. It was Jorge, Raquel, me, Zach, and Zach's new roommate from the multi-country program, Colton. 
The multi-country people have been in Buenos Aires for about 7 or 8 weeks, and just got to Lima last week. I thought about that program, but I'm glad I didn't. I've been in Lima 2 months and feel like I've still barely seen half of it. Plus they all take classes together and I think I would get really annoyed being with the same 16 people all the time for 4 months. 
We had some pizza and watched a movie called Diosas. It's a Peruvian movie starring one of the actresses from La Perricholi.

Today I slept in, then diagnosed myself with ringworm. Yes, I know it's disgusting. It makes me feel like a nasty wrestler. Mom thinks I got it from the baby llama I held in Cusco. I thought it was a bugbite, but it never went away. So I'm now on anti-fungal meds. 
Mama took us out for ice cream today (deliiicious) and then took me to Ripley's so I could get a new camera. The one I originally wanted was sold out, so I ended up getting a Nikon coolpix, which I hadn't researched. When I looked up reviews when I got home, they all said it was basically a piece of shit, but I'm crossing my fingers. I've been taking some pics, and there's a few bad ones but the other ones turned out alright. 
I also got a new cell from Maria Elena because I couldn't receive calls on my other one. 
I headed to campus to get some books from the library and to talk to Maria Elena about our trip to Trujillo. We now have our bus tickets bought, so we'll have 4 days in Trujillo and Chiclayo next weekend!
After that, Raquel, Nichole, Hannah, and I went to a sushi bar called Edo. Yum!
Now I'm just hanging out until we head to Hensley's.

Oh yeah, I also took my last midterm yesterday. It was Amazonian Linguistics. It was pretty easy and he even let us use some of our readings, so I think I did alright on it. 

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