Saturday, August 20, 2011

Feliz Cumpleanos, Juan Luis!

I did not accomplish anything on my to-do list today. I did not go running. I did not cease to eat pizza. 

When we got up this morning, Raquel and I walked to the bodega to get Juan Luis, our host brother, a birthday present. We walked to like 5 bodegas (all in about a 2 block radius) looking for something for him, but couldn't find anything, so we finally decided on a little chocolate cake bite.
Raquel went to hang out with her family, and I went with mom to run some errands. We picked up my host sister, Olga, from dance lessons ("sexy dance" is what they call the dance style that she does, hehe), then went to the bakery and picked up Juan Luis's birthday cakes. Then we got some roast chicken from the store and headed home for lunch. 
At 5 I walked over to Ashleigh's house and we grabbed a taxi to Miraflores for the day's ISA activity. We were taking a city sightseeing bus tour. I had only been to Miraflores once, briefly, so I was excited to see it because it's a big shopping and tourist district. 
We met at Parque Kennedy and loaded up the bus. We drove around Miraflores and the city center. It was night time, so we got to see everything all lit up. Then we stopped at the Sheraton hotel for a coffee break and some "very small sandwiches" as our tour guide put it. After that we went to the Parque de la Reserva to watch the Circuito Magico del Agua. It was a really cool water fountain laser show. 

Then we headed back home. By the time we got there Juan Luis's friends were all there and a few of his aunts and uncles too. He requested pizza again. Oh Dios Mio. We got there in time to sing Happy Birthday and watch him blow out his candles. 

We had some pizza and cake and hung out for awhile. 
The original plan was to go back to Miraflores because a few people stayed down there to go to the bars. But....our pizza coma pretty much took away any desire to get ready and go out, so we watched some YouTube videos (Hulu and Netflix don't work in Peru) and called it a night.

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