Sunday, August 7, 2011

God Hates Me

I don't know what I did, but it must have been bad, because he sent his minions to make my life hell this morning. I get to the check-in line at 6 a.m. this morning only to stand behind 100 other people waiting to check in. I gathered from the 4 priests, the boasting contests about who's visited the most cathedrals, and the Bible verses on the shirts that I'd got there just in time to be behind a giant church group. 
Another victim asked one lady if all of them were on the same flight. Yes, they were. Are you guys going to Denver? No, we're going to Spain. Ok, but what flight are you on right now? We're flying to Spain. 
I sincerely hope that woman doesn't plan to step on a plane in Omaha and step off in Spain. I can see it now, her walking through the O'Hare, saying "Wow, these Spaniards sure speak good English! And they must really like pizza!" 
I continued to stand in line while another woman argued that 50.5 lbs was close enough and that she was going to Hong Kong, so she needed all that stuff. I understand that if she was going all the way to Hong Kong, she was probably staying for a while but good God. Half a pound? You're going to Hong Kong. That's where they make all the clothes anyway, I'm sure you'll be able to give up an outfit or two here and buy a new one there.
I did get checked in in time, and am now waiting patiently for my flight to Newark to board. I'll probably get back on in the airport there to rant about all the other insane, obnoxious people that inevitably make up 85% of an airport's population at any given time. 
(P.S. I just saw a couple wearing matching bright orange Nebraska shirts! That might have made this all worth it.)


  1. I sure hope the rest of your journey getss better!! <3 (still can't figure out how to comment without being anonymous) Kelsey

  2. WTF Jamie, whom did you piss off upstairs? Your trip is bound to get better ... doesn't sound like it could get worse. Peter Principle ... anything that can go wrong will go wrong. Seriously, I'm sure the rest of your trip will be smooth sailing. Looking forward to your next blog ...


  3. P.s.
    I'm with Kelsey ... can't figure out how to post other than as anonymous.
