Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Today was registration day for international students. For some reason, this can't be done online like it is for all the other students, so we had to be there in person. All however many hundred of us. It was first come first serve, so Maria Elena, our ISA director, suggested we get there at 6 a.m. so we could be the first in line and get the schedule that we want. 
However, when I told my grandma that, she said that it wasn't safe to take the micro at 6 a.m. I also wasn't very excited to get up at the buttcrack of dawn just so that I could wait for 3 hours. So I decided, for my personal safety, that I would try to get there at 6:45. I ended up getting there at 7. (It's called Peruvian time, I'm just trying to assimilate into the culture.)
Luckily for me, Maria Elena had saved me a seat in the first room where people were waiting to get there numbers. Which means, I got number 30 even though I definitely was not the 30th one to get there. I also got a few dirty looks, but hey. That's why studying abroad with ISA is more expensive. They go the extra mile for you. 
I got into all my classes with no problem, so I have a pretty bomb schedule:

11-1 Amazonian Linguistics
4-6   Amazonian Ethnography
(7-8:30) Salsa class!

1-3 Activity in Anthro 2

11-1 Amazonian Linguistics
4-6   Amazonian Ethnography
6-9   Quechua

Thursday and Friday: No class! (those are the days I will be volunteering at the school)

It all adds up to 13 credits and should be pretty manageable. 

So after registering I had my Amazonian Linguistics class. It sounds like it's gonna be pretty interesting. It's exactly the type of linguistics that I'm interested in, indigenous languages, and there is an immense variety in the Amazon. However there's only like 5 people in that class, and I'm the only exchange student so that kind of sucks, but the prof is really nice, so it should be alright.
I came home during my break and our parents took me and Raquel to the store to buy tickets to the Red Hot Chili Peppers concert!! I'm so excited!! The seats are pretty far away, but still. Yay!!!
After my Amazonian Ethnography class (which is about 70% international students) I had my first salsa class! The teacher is a riot, so it should be a lot of fun. 
My dance partner was not so fun. He was kind of obnoxious so next time I'm definitely gonna pick out a different one!
Luckily, I made it home in time for my telenovela, La Perricholi, at 9. Me and Raquel always watch it with grandma. It's based on a true story of this lady that was the mistress of the Viceroy when Spain ruled Peru. It's only "slightly" dramatized. 
Then we hung out with Manuel, the latest addition to our casa.

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