Monday, August 8, 2011

My first day!

I got to my host fam's house at 11:00 last night. My room is nice and spacious, and I've got all my stuff unpacked and put in order. My host family is really nice and I like it here alot.
This morning I headed to PUCP, my university, for orientation. Rosi, my host mom, drove me there on the bus route that I'll be taking so I can see where to get on and off. It's not too far, so that's nice. 
First we just listened to the director tell us all the do's and don't's and yadayadayada. Then we were introduced to some of the university students from Peru. We went to the cafeteria to have lunch with them and then got to walk around campus a little bit. 
The campus is pretty big and it's really beautiful. PUCP is the largest university in Peru, and supposedly the best they told us. The campus has a lot of sculptures and pretty trees and plants and stuff. But the best part by far is the fact that there are deer roaming the campus everywhere. There's a zoo nearby, and they think that's where they came from. They're super tame, and when we were eating lunch outside there was one just walking through the tables. We also saw a little fawn with it's mama, and it was so young that it could barely walk. It's super cute, but there's a lot of deer poop that you have to watch out for. 
All the Peruvian students were really nice and helpful, and there's an ISA (my study abroad org.) office right on campus, along with a free clinic, a sports facility, a bank, computer labs, etc. I'm really excited about going there. There's so much stuff to do. Every Thurs afternoon there are cultural activities, and we also picked up some brochures for dance classes that you can take, so that sounds like fun. 
Plus the organization has activities planned for us all week and this weekend we get to go on our first "excursion" to Junin. 
So far I'm getting by with my Spanish but I can definitely tell that it's been 3 months since I've done anything with it. 
We stayed at the university until 6, then Rosi, Julia, my hostgrandma, Olga, my host sister, and Raquel, another exchange student staying at the house, picked me up and we went home and had some supper. 
So now es hora de descansar!

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