Saturday, August 20, 2011

I cut my finger and bled marinara sauce...

As you read through my summary of the past couple days, please take note of the number of times I've consumed pizza.

On Thursday I got up early and went to my 8 a.m. Quechua class, which I will hopefully be able to replace with the much more interesting and much later 6 p.m. anthro Quechua class which I went to Wednesday night. Crossing my fingers that there's space for me to register for that one.
After that I just hung out on campus until it was time for our weekly meeting at the ISA office at noon. It was one of the girls' birthdays so Maria Elena, the director, brought pizza and cake for us. I had a slice of each.
When I got home, I had plans to go shopping with my friend Ashleigh (another student that lives a couple blocks away). Raquel had been sick since Junin, but she was feeling better, so she came too. After having eaten nothing but soup the whole day, she was really craving pizza, so we went to the Pizza Hut at the Plaza San Miguel. We had no idea what we were in for.

It was a classy-ass Pizza Hut. The first page on the menu is their wine list. Bonus: They also have sangria! (al estilo Pizza Hut).  They also have cocktails, and they present your food all fancy and stuff. You feel like you're in a classy restaurant! We shared a pizza, and contemplated the dessert list, but eventually decided against it.
We were planning on going to a bar called Help! for 80's night. We were told the bar was really awesome and it only opens Thursdays and a crapload of people come, and it's great. Jose Luis, one of the ISA guys that went with us to Junin told us that this Thursday was 80's night, and helped us get a list sent in so that we wouldn't have to pay a cover. At most discotecas here, if you come with a big enough group and give them a list in advance, then they don't make you pay. So that's what we did.
So me and Ashleigh and Raquel needed some 80s clothes so we went shopping. I got an 80s looking T-shirt and some bright pink tights.
We went home and started getting ready. As I was sitting in my neon tights about to put my hair up in a side ponytail, I looked at the ISA facebook group, where we all post info about get-togethers and stuff, and saw that one of the students had posted something like "hey, so I was checking out the website and maybe it's not 80s night, but it looks like there will be some cool bands..." At that point I looked at the website and it said NOTHING about the 80s. Oops. Caught that just in time. So now I have a nice new pair of tights just waiting for an 80s party to go to.
The club turned out to be really really fun. It was huge and had a nice beachy feel to it. It also had beer for 5 soles from 10 to 11. 5 soles is about 2 bucks and these beers were not normal size beers, they were huge.
They had a ska band first, then a punk band. Not my favorite kind of music, but they were both pretty good. They also had a grill in front where they were cooking up burgers and sausages. Raquel got one when we left. Sorry Dad, but it was the most delicious brat I've ever tasted. It was a super yummy sausage in like a crispy italian bread bun with mustard and shoestrings in it. Also 5 soles.
We got home around 3:30 (some people stay out til 5 or 6 a.m. when they go out here).
So I slept in til around 12:30 today. Then me and Raquel decided that Pizza Hut sounded good. We called up Ashleigh and walked to a different Pizza Hut that is close to our houses. We split another pizza and saved room for dessert this time. Me and Ashleigh each had sauco (elderberry?) cheesecake and Raquel had the Locura de Chocolate. It was a beast.
Then we came home and chilled for awhile. It's my host brother Juan Luis's birthday tomorrow, and he decided he wanted pizza for his birthday tonight since my host dad, also Juan Luis, would be at work all day tomorrow. So Rosi ordered Papa John's and we all had a nice supper together.
To-do list for tomorrow: Go jogging. Stop eating pizza.

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